「Sino-Korea」Technology exchange seminar: Korean PONGSAN enterprise visit Dorosin


PONGSANMorning of 22nd Nov 2018, the chairman of PONGSAN Technologies Co.,Ltd , technical engineers and relevant members visited Dorosin company Guangzhou branch to discuss future development of Dorosin temperature & humidity management technologies in Korea . Mr Xupeng Yao , the company general manager and Ms Shannon Wu manager of oversea marketing department warmly welcome our distinguished guests to join the seminar .


▲General manager of Dorosin Mr Xupeng Yao (the left fourth) /Over sea Marketing manager Ms Shanno Wu (the right first)

▲Group photo of PONGSAN enterprise representatives

During seminar ,Ms Shannon Wu the manager of over sea marketing department made a detailed introduction to PONGSAN enterprise representatives regarding the technology innovation , research & design capability of Dorosin four categories : dehumidifier /humidifier/portable air conditioner and heater .

At the same time, based on the principle and practical application of the four series of products of Dorosin, the company technical engineer representatives conducted an impressed interaction and presentation to the representatives of PONGSAN enterprises as well as aspect discussion on technology advantages, innovative application . Korean enterprise representatives said , the mentioned technology and application direction are lacking in international market, through the seminar they greatly improved the understanding of temperature and humidity control industry and Dorosin products, they also will carry the technology on this seminar to share with Korean colleagues.


    ▲Discussion on seminar


    ▲Visit in Dorosin Foshan factory

Through this discussion, further deepening the partnership of both sides, also deepen the PANGSAN technician awareness of the product , which is not only helpful to serve the overseas customers with better technology, but also to lay a good foundation for Dorsosin temperature and humidity control technology application and popularization in  Korea .Promoting the overseas market for the further technical research and development and efficient optimization of application scenarios.


    ▲Group photo of both sides

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